Jun 14, 2017

MEC Troopers: My explanation

I doubt anyone on Earth cares about this subject- But I do!  This is my attempt to explain the MEC Trooper.
MEC Troopers are one of those incredibly obscure pieces of SW lore.  They only appeared in Battlefront: Renegade Squadron and Elite Squadron.  As in-game classes their status as a canon organization is automatically dubious.  To add to this MECs have basically no information on them and go unreferenced outside of the Battlefront games.  Of course, I had to attempt an explanation to this mystery.
        Due to the customization system in these games we can't be too sure what their armor looked like.  The only constant in their varying appearance is something rather defining; This being their odd size.  They are noticeably larger than their counterparts.  There has been two different types of oversized Clone Troopers; The first is genetically enhanced troopers.
ARC Troopers were genetically modified humans.  They were noticeably larger and bulkier than the default Fett clone.  This modification was utilized in the Alpha class ARCs and used even more noticeably with the Null class.  However, no clones outside of special forces have been known to be genetically enhanced.  MECs appear to be infantry level so the idea of genetic modification seems unlikely.  With this knowledge it can be assumed MECs belong with the second possibility; Clones wearing exo-suits.
Exo suits have been used by Clones before, most notably the  Deep Space Zero G suit.  However, one particular unit strikes me as very similar to the MEC.  If you haven't guessed it yet, it's the Blaze Trooper.
Blaze Troopers are Clone Troopers wearing heavy exo-suits.  Blaze Troopers have the distinction of carrying large flamethrowers on their right arm.  Flamethrowers, are useless against droids, however, so I assume the weapon can be replaced with something more practical.  Anyway, these troopers are quite large and fight alongside infantry.  If I were to guess, MEC would refer to all mechanically enhanced troopers, Blaze Troopers being one mere variant.
        One fellow on Wookieepedia suggested that 'MEC' could mean 'Mechanically Enhanced Clone'.  I think this fits the idea nicely.  MEC Troopers have the potential to be an important aspect of the GAR.  Of the exo-suit wearing troopers it'd be nice to unite them all under an umbrella term.

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